Solar Workforce
Apprenticeship Program



Produce qualified, certified workers to fill the gap in the solar and green construction industries.

Provide under-served members of our community job training and a pathway to obtain careers
in the solar and green construction industries.

Partner with local municipalities, corporations and non-profits to increase installation of solar systems in the community.

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Candidates for the job training program would come from underserved populations in our local community and would be given the tools to develop critical job skills in order to launch their industry career.

Veterans, Youth aging out of Foster Care, Residents of Parramore, Women, Minorities, and Homeless.

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Initially the program was offered for the first time as a summer program successfully. During the summer of 2018 a group of four young adults, who were part of the foster care system, enrolled and completed the Solar Workforce training.

It is the foundation’s intention to extent the program and offer it throughout the year in the near future.