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Green Value for the Community

United Church of Christ
Florida Conference Headquarters

In July 2016, the 15Lightyears’ crew teamed up with UCC leaders and a local UCC youth chapter to design and build a beautiful butterfly garden, to act as an green educational tool for the church as well as a symbol of the Church's green values that everyone in the community could enjoy.  

Since renovations began in Summer 2015, the former dilapidated building has been remodeled in compliance with LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certification standards to make it a green place for the conference staff and the community to enjoy. The old roof was replaced with a reflective material with more insulation that reduces the building's interior temperature. New heating and air conditioning DX units use 75 percent less energy, and windows and doors have been swapped out for Energy Star Labeled high efficient ones. 

Later Event: February 5
Deerwood Green Apple Day